How to Get Enchant Binding of Critical Strike Easy Legion
The Soul Dust Shuffle!
I don't do many Shadowlands professions due to the need to babysit the Auction House. However, this shuffle is excellent for those like myself who don't have time to babysit the Auction House for canceling and reposting undercut auctions.
The sheer demand for Soul Dust means it will sell.
How It Works:
If you have Enchanting at level 70 or above, you can participate in the Soul Dust shuffle. To take advantage of this shuffle, open your profession: Enchanting, and under the category Shatters, look for Eternal Crystal. To profit from this method, we'll shatter Eternal Crystal's into Sacred Shards, then shatter the Sacred Shards into Soul Dust.
Why Is This Shuffle Profitable?
If we invested 36g purchasing an Eternal Crystal, and you shattered it, you will obtain 3 Sacred Shards. The value of these shards would then be 12g each (36g/3=12g). Sadly, these wouldn't be that profitable on my realm. However, if we were to shatter the 3 Sacred Shards too, we'd collect 9 Soul Dust, which would result in our Soul Dust valuing at 4g each (36g/9=4g).
The Soul Dust on my realm is worth 9g 33s. In the last 30 days, I've sold 46,769 Soul Dust at 9g 37s for a total of 438k. My original investment of 187k to purchase 5,196 Eternal Crystals means I've made a profit of approximately 251k.
Before You Get Started
Check The Undermine Journal for Eternal Crystal, Sacred Shard, and Soul Dust prices on your realm. As this is specific to your realm, I'd recommend ignoring median prices.
Gettings Started:
You can either disenchant items to obtain Eternal Crystals or visit your Auction House and purchase them. If you can sell Soul Dust for 9g each, don't purchase Eternal Crystals above 54g; otherwise, you'll start losing gold after the Auction House cut.
Remember, you get 9 Soul Dust per one shattered Eternal Crystal. If you multiply the value of Soul Dust (on your realm) by 9, this is the maximum value of an Eternal Crystal via Soul Dust.
Once you have your Eternal Crystals within your inventory, start shattering them into Sacred Shards. We will obtain 3 Sacred Shards for every Eternal Crystal shattered.
If there's more value in Soul Dust than Sacred Shards, you will need to shatter the 3 Sacred Shards resulting in 9 Soul Dust.
Now What?
You can either post the Soul Dust on to the Auction House or, if you want to extend the profit margins further, craft profitable Enchants that rely on Soul Dust. Here's a selection of Enchants I've found profitable.
Cloak Enchants:
- Fortified Leech
- Fortified Speed
Glove Enchant:
- Shadowlands Gathering
The Best Time To Post Your Auctions:
Currently, with patch 9.1.5 in full swing and many alts playing, it's never been a better time to get Enchants/Enchanting materials on the Auction House. Players are still raiding, so prioritize your posting for reset days.
Any feedback is greatly received; please use the comment section below. If you need to contact me, use the contact me method. If you found this post helpful and believe it could be of use to someone else, please consider liking and sharing.
Uncanny Gear (Enchanting)
With a couple of weeks until the release ofShadowlands Pre-patch, I thought it would be a great time to quickly jump back on the crafting bandwagon and give you some tips for craftingUncanny gear via theprofession: Enchanting.
With the expansion almost at an end, don't be put off thinking theUncanny gear isn't worthwhile anymore, as you'd be wrong! It's still selling extremely well, and with a couple of things to consider (outlined below), we can profit from players quickly leveling alts ready for thepre-patch.
How to Acquire Expulsom?
Important: Make sure you have rank 3 recipes learned.
It's imperative that you haverank 3 on all theUncanny recipes it prevents us from losing gold in the long run. It will also reduce the amount ofExpulsom required to craft an item.Expulsom is a problematic material to acquire and is necessary for everyUncanny craft and the best way to gather this is by followingSamadan's bracer shuffle method. Please follow his directions precisely. Once we've collected all ourExpulsom from scrapping the bracers, we can start to craft ourUncanny items.
The Ignore Variation Feature in BFA:
It's best to craft every item, so be sure to craft as many of each as you can. I have a minimum of 10 of each item posted on theAuction House. The reason being is myTSM hasIgnore Variation unticked. The benefit to this is that we make sure we get the best value for the items with the best stats. If we haveIgnore Variation tickedTSM will post all of our gear on theAuction House below the cheapest item, regardless of its stats, and we stand to lose gold on our best items. So be sure to untickIgnore Variation for the best results!
The Ignore Variation Feature in Shadowlands:
It's worth bearing in mind, that once Shadowlands has been released and dependant on scaling (due to level squish), Uncanny Gear shouldn't be important, other than for the benefit of Transmog and only then, would I consider ticking the Ignore Variation. Stats won't matter if someone is purchasing your gear purely for Transmog purposes. Remember to adapt as the game transitions to stay one step ahead of your competition.
Pastebin withTSM Import String –No Operations Included!
Uncanny Scepters
Auction House Posting Tips:
With theAuction House throttle activated when you cancel auctions to repost, I'd recommend posting yourUncanny Gear at12-hour or24-hour intervals. This gives you the freedom to post more often without getting throttled. Many of my competitors post at 48 hours, so as long as I log in when my items expire, I can repost successfully, keeping my auctions at the cheapest.
I hope you enjoyed this post if you have any feedback, please use the comment section below or use the contact method on the right-hand sidebar via my email address. I will reply at the earliest convenience.
Thanks for reading and as ever, please like and share if you found this topic helpful.
I've seen numerous Youtube videos over the past week from respectable GoldMakers regarding professions and how it's an integral part of working the Auction House. With the extension of the [Winds of Wisdom] Buff for 100% experience, it's never been a better time to churn out those crafted items for new players. If you've followed my blog, you'll know a lot of my income comes from professions, none more so, than Enchanting. So today, I've decided to elaborate further on what I craft and why.
My main has been an Enchanter & Leatherworker since I first started playing the game back in Wrath of the Lich King, at this point I was raiding with a Horde Guild called Influx on Neptulon EU and enchanting was a very lucrative market back then and there were a lot of items you could enchant, unlike today! Thankfully, early reports suggest there will be a lot more items available to enchant upon the release of Shadowlands. Enchanting is an extremely versatile profession, in the case that disenchanting items not needed can net you a decent profit, by merely selling the materials straight on to the Auction House, or alternatively (in my case), craft important Enchants that can have a benefit to players.
Now I hear you ask, what's the best enchants? Well given the current climate, leveling is a great place to start, so I've added a list of enchants below, that I've had a lot of success selling. This list will apply to players leveling, so these are great for applying to heirlooms. You'll notice a lack of Mastery enchants, this is because Mastery doesn't scale below the level 80.
Each item below is linked to Wowhead so you can check how it scales at a specific level.
(*) Denotes this Enchant requires [Blood of Sargeras]
Enchant Neck – Mark of the Hidden Satyr
Enchant Neck – Mark of the Claw
Enchant Neck – Mark of the Distant Army
Enchant Neck – Mark of the Heavy Hide
Enchant Neck – Gift of Critical Strike
Enchant Neck – Gift of Haste
Enchant Neck – Gift of Versatility
Enchant Cloak – Binding of Agility (*)
Enchant Cloak – Binding of Intellect (*)
Enchant Cloak – Binding of Strength (*)
Enchant Cloak – Gift of Critical Strike
Enchant Cloak – Gift of Haste
Enchant Cloak – Gift of Versatility
Enchant Ring – Binding of Critical Strike
Enchant Ring – Binding of Haste
Enchant Ring – Binding of Versatility
Enchant Ring – Gift of Critical Strike
Enchant Ring – Gift of Haste
Enchant Ring – Gift of Versatility
Enchant Chest – Glorious Stats
Enchant Chest – Superior Stamina
Enchant Weapon – Elemental Force
Enchant Weapon – Mending
Enchant Weapon – Jade Spirit
Enchant Weapon – Windsong
Enchant Weapon – Mongoose
Enchant Weapon – Mark of the Shadowmoon
Enchant Weapon – Mark of Warsong
Enchant Weapon – Mark of the Thunderlord
Enchant Weapon – Crusader
Enchant Off-Hand – Major Intellect
Enchant Shield – Greater Parry
Enchant Shield – Protection
Honorable Enchants…
These are Enchants that are used outside of Heirlooms that are worth mentioning. This is purely for players that wish to min/max their character's stats or gathering ability. The items that these enchant to, will be replaced frequently, so personally, I don't use these enchants, but others do. I'd suggest making one of each of these enchants and see how this market reacts to your realm.
Enchant Bracer – Exceptional Strength
Enchant Bracer – Exceptional Versatility
Enchant Bracer – Greater Haste
Enchant Bracer – Greater Agility
Enchant Bracer – Greater Critical Strike
Enchant Bracer – Brawn
Enchant Gloves – Superior Haste
Enchant Gloves – Super Strength
Enchant Gloves – Exceptional Strength
Enchant Gloves – Gatherer (Skill +5 Herb, Mining & Skinning)
Enchant Gloves – Herbalism (Skill +2)
Enchant Gloves – Mining (Skill +2)
Enchant Gloves – Advanced Herbalism (Skill +5)
Enchant Gloves – Advanced Mining (Skill +5)
Enchant Gloves – Skinning (Skill +5)
Enchant Gloves – Fishing (Skill +2)
Enchant Gloves – Angler (Skill +5)
Enchant Gloves – Legion Herbalism (Inc. speed of herbalism (Legion))
Enchant Gloves – Legion Mining (Inc. speed of mining (Legion))
Enchant Gloves – Legion Skinning (Inc. speed of Skinning (Legion))
Enchant Gloves – Legion Surveying (Inc. speed of Surveying (Legion))
Enchant Gloves – Zandalari Herbalism (Inc. speed of herbalism (BFA))
Enchant Gloves – Zandalari Mining (Inc. speed of mining (BFA))
Enchant Gloves – Zandalari Skinning (Inc. speed of Skinning (BFA))
Enchant Gloves – Zandalari Surveying (Inc. speed of Surveying (BFA))
(Mount Speed Increase)
Enchant Gloves – Riding Skill (Inc. mount speed by 2%)
Enchant Shoulder – Boon of the Scavenger (Scavanged Cloth from Corpses (Legion))
Enchant Boots – Minor Speed
So there you have it, a list of Enchants I regularly post/sell on the Auction House aimed at players leveling new characters. If you fancy doing this market too, simply make a small amount, between 1-3 enchants of each enchant, and slowly increase your inventory, the more you sell. This way you don't overstock and have greater amounts of those you sell often. As with all crafts, some sell quicker than others, some demand a greater price than others, trial and error, and of course patience is key.
Let me know how you get on or get in touch via Facebook or Twitter if you have any questions.
Best of luck…
Good evening guys, as you'll be aware by now, Legion is on the horizon and many Enchanters including myself are stocking up our banks full of Enchanting materials ready for the new Tome of Illusions coming in Legion. If you're near an Auction House, go and check how high the materials have already sky rocketed to! all this is due to the high demand. Most old world Enchanting materials are already at least 100% above normal asking price and that's all down to people like myself, buying them all up.
If you're not aware of what Tome of Illusions are, please click here to read my previous post regarding them.
As prices have become so high, I've looked back at alternative means to acquire my materials and thankfully, the memory bank kicked in and I remembered a very good way to acquire Large Brilliant Shard. These shards are needed to craft the Tome of Illusions: Azeroth .
As I'm Horde, I've hearthed to Orgrimmar in search of the Legacy Armor Quartermaster –First Sergeant Hola'mahi, in The Hall of Legends [38.72] She sells the Sergeant's Cape for 55 Honor points. It's important, that you purchase the correct cloak. What we do is buy up as many of these cloaks that we can fit into our bags and disenchant them. Each cloak will disenchant into 1xLarge Brilliant Shard.
As the PvP season is coming to an end, what better way to spend those Honor Points, before they get converted to gold. So don't wait any longer… If you don't have any intentions of crafting the Tome's in Legion, but you have Honor Points to spend and a disenchanter, do the method above and simply post the Large Brilliant Shard on the Auction House and take advantage of those that will be desperate for them.
This is a very old method and well known among gold goblins, I hope you found this post helpful. As ever, leave any feedback you have, below!
As we all know by now, we have the Wardrobe system coming to Legion, bringing us the freedom to swap in and out collected armour and weapons alternatively called Transmog which we've collected on our travels. A new direction from the developers, is the introduction of the Tome of Illusions, which will work via the wardrobe system too, but will give us the freedom to add an appropriate enchant effect to our weapons and change it when we desire. You'll know that we already have this opportunity for illusions already, via the Enchanter's building in our Garrisons in Warlords of Draenor, sadly, these are not permanent, but those in Legion will be!
The Tome of Illusions will be created by Enchanters, using materials from the region that matches the illusion you desire. For instance, if you wanted the Tome of Northrend, you'd need to acquire the materials that would be gathered within Northrend or the Wrath of the Lich king expansion. I will add below, each Tome and the materials needed to craft each one.
If you want any advice, start buying up these materials from the Auction House NOW! People are clearing out banks, guild banks, ready to start preparing for Legion and that normally involves materials that people find are not wanted anymore. We need to take advantage of these cheap sales and stock these items up so we can get an early push once Legion is released.
Tome of Illusions | Crafting Materials Needed |
Tome of Illusions: Azeroth | Large Brilliant Shard (10), Essence of Fire (5), Essence of Water (5), Essence of Undeath (5), Light Parchment (3) |
Tome of Illusions: Outland | Void Crystal (10), Large Prismatic Shard (5), Primal Fire (5), Primal Mana (5), Light Parchment (3) |
Tome of Illusions: Northrend | Abyss Crystal (10), Dream Shard (5), Greater Cosmic Essence (8), Eternal Water (4), Light Parchment (3) |
Tome of Illusions: Cataclysm | Maelstrom Crystal (10), Heavenly Shard (10), Volatile Air (5), Volatile Earth (5),Light Parchment (3) |
Tome of Illusions: Elemental Lords | Maelstrom Crystal (10), Volatile Air (3), Volatile Earth (3), Volatile Fire (3), Volatile Life (3), Volatile Water (3), Light Parchment (3) |
Tome of Illusions: Pandaria | Sha Crystal (10), Imperial Amethyst (2), Wild Jade (2), Vermilion Onyx (2), Light Parchment (3) |
Tome of Illusions: Secrets of the Shado-Pan | Sha Crystal (10), River's Heart (2), Primordial Ruby (2), Sun's Radiance (2), Light Parchment (3) |
Tome of Illusions: Draenor | Temporal Crystal (20), Sorcerous Air (10), Sorcerous Water (10), Savage Blood (15), Light Parchment (3) |
IMPORTANT: Please be aware that the developers can change anything at any given time and this is information collected from Alpha testing and Wowhead. To see the original Wowhead page for all the information above for these Tome of Illusions, then please click HERE.
TSM3 Import String
I suggest creating a new TSM Profile to limit any chance of ruining any groups you may have created already. If you're not a TSM3 subscriber, then I also urge you to backup your TSM. This is automatic if you're a subscriber.
Important: Due to changes in Legion (7.3.5) Vision Dust was removed from the game, thus changing the materials gained from this shuffle. Vision Dust has now been depreciated and this guide is no longer beneficial.
In today's guide, we're going to be showing you how to Craft a White Bandit Mask so we can disenchant it for Vision Dust . This is known as the Vision Dust shuffle. A profession shuffle is crafting an item, to maximize materials by either disenchanting, prospecting it, or selling the craft to a vendor for a profit.
Professions needed: Tailoring (215) and Enchanting (125).
You will need a Tailor with the recipe, Pattern: White bandit Mask. This pattern has a very low drop rate, so you might be better off searching the Auction House for it. If you have time on your hands, and you wish to farm it instead, then feel free to click here to see where it drops.
The materials needed to craft 1x White Bandit Mask ;
1x Bolt of Mageweave (4x Mageweave Cloth )
1x Bleach
1x Heavy Silken Thread
Once you're happy with the amount crafted, use your Enchanter to disenchant the masks. Below I've added the possible materials you can gain from disenchanting 1x White Bandit Mask .
You can either sell the Vision Dust on the Auction House to make an instant profit or use it for crafting, which will make a profit in the future.
If you enjoyed this guide and want to venture into other profession shuffle techniques, then head on over to my Alchemy, and Jewelcrafting shuffle categories for more guides. As ever, if you have any questions or some feedback, feel free to post below and I will get back to you as soon as possible.
Thanks for reading!
Disclaimer: I do not take any credit for this guide, this is the work of UmrenTV which I was fortunate enough to come across via YouTube. I'm just sharing what seems to be an extremely good guide.
Gaudy Winter Veil Sweater shuffle. A profession shuffle is crafting an item, to maximise materials from either disenchanting, prospecting or by selling the craft to a vendor for a profit.
This is only available during Feast of Winter Veil.
If you have level 1 Enchanting and some starting gold, it appears you can make a lot of gold purchasing Gaudy Winter Veil Sweater which disenchants into either 1 Strange Dust or 1 Lesser Magic Essence. Just fill your bags with the sweaters and disenchant them and depending on your realms Auction House, you can make a lot of easy gold.
The sweater costs 22 copper and on average, 1 Strange Dust on my realm goes for 42 silver. So massive profits to be made.
Here's a macro, kindly added by UmrenTV;
The Macro:
/run BuyMerchantItem(7)
/cast Disenchant
/use Gaudy Winter Veil Sweater
Here's a video he posted on YouTube, if you wish to see how it all works. Be sure to drop him a like and sub, if you found his video helpful!
Thanks for reading and Merry Christmas!
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